I cannot believe that it has already been a year in Central Asia! This week we are doing registration for our classes and it is really starting to hit me that things are happening all over again and I am really excited about it. We have really enjoyed what our life has been like here so far and we are excited to start another year.
It is crazy to look back and think of how much we have changed in this year, how much G*d has taught us, how much grace he has given us in the hard times, how the trials revealed our weaknesses, how many seeds have been planted, how many times our f*ith has been shaken, only to reveal that we serve an extremely f*ithful G*d!
I look back on so much of that time and realize how much I was focused on the things of the world and how much grief that caused me. So many times I could go back and tell that girl not to worry, that G*d would work things out and that he would change her heart of stone and replace it with a heart of flesh. One that burns with passion for Him and desires to do His will. Since I can’t go back, I start this year off desiring to learn from the trials that I experienced last year. I have jumped out of the boat by coming here, I know now that I must keep my eyes fixed on gsus so that I do not sink when the waves of life come towards me.
That is my passion. Along with so many other things, such as striving to be a better teacher, being more dedicated to learning language, encouraging others around me, welcoming people into our home, learning how to live a healthy lifestyle here etc. etc. But the W*rd says “Seek first the kingd*m of G*d and all these things will be added unto you.”
So instead of setting my eyes on all these other things, I will seek Him first and know that these things will come when my aim is steadily on pleasing Him.