Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Keep her close

Some people might not agree with this. But I couldn't agree with anything more right now. Tomorrow my baby girl will be 7 months old. I still wake up at night to feed her. I still let her nap on me most of the time. Many people would say that these are bad habits. But I call it enjoying my baby while she is still a baby. This is the way that I have chosen to parent her and I don't regret it one bit. 

When she sleeps on my lap during the day, mostly on the 'boppy' (breastfeeding pillow for those unfamiliar with it) I breathe her in and feel her closeness because I know that one day she will not want to be so close with me while she is sleeping. When she wakes up she smiles at me and sometimes she falls back asleep. These are precious moments that I wouldn't trade for the world. The housework can wait, my hobbies can wait, so many things can wait till my baby is grown and more independent. 

I am confident that she will grow out of this and become independent which is why I have so much peace with the way that I am doing things now. She is already a very confident and happy and playful baby. She plays well on her own and goes easily to new people. 

But when she is tired and she just wants to be comforted, it's me she seeks. She looks for her mama to comfort her and I want her to know that she can rely on me to do that. I take so much joy in doing it. 

I can't believe that she will be 7 months old tomorrow. This time while she is little is flying by and when she grows out of taking naps with me I want to remember all these times that I allowed myself and my baby to enjoy this opportunity to be close. I could be doing other things, but I have chosen to invest this time in her while she is so very little. I am so very satisfied in what I am doing right now, my only fear is how much I will miss it when it has passed. 

I'm not saying these things to condemn anyone or say that this is the only way. I want moms out there who do the same thing to know that it's okay. Soak it up and enjoy your baby, this time will be gone before you know it. 

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