There is nothing to blame but life for my lack of involvement in the blog world lately. You could say I have been using my creative energy elsewhere lately and I am sure most of you know where that place is… 
Nevertheless I am ready to put it into the blog again for a minute… Hope you like the new design. I have been playing around with it for a while and I really think that this one will stick because it is simple 
Here is what we have been up to lately in a nutshell! Hold on tight, cause you’re about to see a lot of photos!
First of all, since my last post, Spring has come in a fierce way and has currently brought summer, which it seems is here to stay. But lets just look at some nice photos of the spring instead of thinking about that…
In Cafe News! We have been trying lots of new things since I started working there including some of the cupcakes photographed above, which to my dismay are not very popular in here ;( I guess they just haven’t quite caught onto the cupcake craze that has swept through the states. We also made Pizza about a month and a half ago for the first time and it took off! We are now very much into iced beverages, including iced coffee in these awesome blue cups that we got from Hong Kong, but we are also experimenting a little with warm drinks such as the Caramel Latte with the lattice on top and our new DARK chocolate Mocha 
To kick off the spring we celebrated Easter with a Passover Seder and a lot of baking. I made Charoset and peach pie from for the passover seder and I made banoffee pie from eatliverun and The Pioneer Woman’s Chocolate Sheet Cake for our work Easter Party. It was very interesting, educational and delicious!
A couple of weeks ago we had the opportunity to go on a crazy hike! It was six hours long! It was by far the longest hike I have ever done, but also the most rewarding! The views were beautiful and the people we went with were amazing as well. None other than our teammates who we spend every day with. I am not sick of these people yet! In fact it seems that I grow to love them more as time goes on. Just look at them! How could you not LOVE those face!
Later that week, we had the opportunity to go to the city of Kentau with a friend to stay with his family.
An authentic cultural experience complete with Kumis (fermented mare’s milk) and Besh Bar Mak (the national dish which includes Horse Meat) It wasn’t our first time enjoying these fine delicacies, but it was a special time nonetheless.
While we were there we were able to revisit the beautiful city of Turkistan and see the Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi for the second time since we have lived here, the first time was in October of 2009.
It has been a great spring! Can’t wait to see what the summer brings! Most of you will see what it brings for us since we will be home for another summer in the states! Hope to see you sometime in July or August!