Sunday, September 7, 2014

Looking for some inspiration...

I really don't have much today. I just need some and usually writing inspires me. So I figured I would give it a try...

Most of the time lately I feel like I am just waiting for my baby girl to make her appearance. It feels like a bit of a pathetic existence. I try to fill my time with meaningful activities, such as reading, swimming, birth prep exercises, any last minute baby prep that I can think of and working on keeping my blog active. But I just feel so uninspired today and lost. 

I keep trying to tell myself that this baby will come, but the uncertainty is killing me! I find it funny that I am complaining about this after years of waiting for her. But these last few days... There is something about them. Four years in the making. the wanting. the waiting. the tears and frustration of it all. It all comes down to these hours, days, weeks? (I hope not) of waiting. 

So much of life is waiting. It's true. A few people told me that as I waited for a positive pregnancy test those three years. I held onto that advice at times and at times I despised it. But it is absolutely true. Life comes in seasons. I cannot just let each one slip away as I wait for the next. I must enjoy the here and now. 

Okay. I guess I consider myself inspired. Inspired to wait. Inspired to love the journey I'm on, no matter how stuck I feel at the time. I'm headed somewhere. And something tells me, it's gonna be amazing! 

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