Friday, December 30, 2011

A series of Christmases

This season went by in a whirlwind of pain and joy. The loss of our friend definitely changed our perspective this holiday season. Despite the grief we felt, we put our hope in the writings of Paul to the Corinthians:
When the perishable puts on the imperishable, and the mortal puts on immortality, then shall come to pass the saying that is written:
“Death is swallowed up in victory.”
“O death, where is your victory?
O death, where is your sting?”
 The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to G*d, who gives us the victory through our L*rd Gsus Chr!st. Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, alwaysabounding in the work of the L*rd, knowing that in the L*rd your labor is not in vain.  (1 Cor. 15-54-58)
Despite the difficulties we were also able to celebrate with all of the usual Christmas festivities. In fact I did about two weeks straight of baking!

Here are a couple new recipes I tried out this month:
By far my new favorite Christmas cookie: Chocolate Chip Peppermint Crunch Cookies
Another good one: Candy Cane Blossoms
I also tried out an idea that I have seen before, but never done myself, for Christmas Gifts this year:

My Russian Teacher loved hers!!
Curtis said that I am not allowed to Bake or entertain again till Valentine’s Day! I agree that I will probably not bake on a large scale till about Valentine’s Day, maybe just here and there for pure joy and nothing more!
So, what did I do all this baking for anyway? You wouldn’t believe the amount of gatherings that we had this season!
First we had a gathering with all of the expats in town to sing Christmas Carols and just be together corporately for Christmas.
Then we had our annual Student’s Christmas Party. I will tell you, it might have been the last time we do it here. It felt like a little too much this year and since we have so many friends now, and we have the café in the English Center, we might just have our friends over next year and do a small party for our students in the Café.
Despite the difficulty, the party was fun, we did a gift exchange, ate lots of sweets and even got to share the story of the very first Christmas :)
That was the Sunday before Christmas, and the week before Christmas was filled with many more festivities with friends, co-workers and teammates.
On Thursday we had a work party, we ate good food and our “Secret Angels” were revealed. It is basically the same thing as Secret Santa. It was a lot of fun.
That afternoon we made sugar cookies with our students. I prepared the dough and frosting ahead of time and they rolled them out and decorated them. It was a lot of fun, but also a lot of work!

On Friday we fed the homeless as a part of our monthly service program that we call “Prosto Tak.” It is basically something that we do each month to serve the community “Prosto Tak” – which translated directly means “simply so,” or because we can.
On Saturday (Christmas Eve) we had another gathering with our team. We all brought something to give to Gsus for his Birthday. It is a really special tradition that we have been a part of since we came here. I brought my earbuds (headphones) because I want to spend more time in silence before Gsus, listening to Him. Curtis brought his Calendar because he wants to give him his plans and his days. He has been extremely busy and knows that it will continue as he continues to work on the curriculum for his new class, but he wants direction from our Father in how to spend his days, busy or not.
Saturday night, Christmas Eve, we had some of our closest local friends over. It was another opportunity to share the Christmas story and just relax with friends. It was a real blessing and far from stressful. It was probably the most relaxing gathering of all besides the one on Christmas Day :)

We had lots of gifts to open because we received two packages before Christmas, one for Chris (Curtis’ Mom) and one from my sister Tara.
Curtis and I also exchanged gifts, we both got a little creative this year. He made me an ornament and I made him some nifty coupons.

We had to wait a couple more days for my sister Angela and my mom’s package to come, but when it did, we had a second Christmas!
We also hosted Christmas dinner for the very first time, which wasn’t as stressful as I thought it might be. It was a simple chicken pesto pasta dinner since we had turkey and pork the day before. I also made Guthrie salad, carrots and garlic bread and for dessert we had pumpkin pie with real homemade whipped cream!
We didn’t have a white Christmas, the snow came late, but boy did it come! We got a dumping of snow last night! It looks like New Year’s will be white, which is special for the people here since New Year’s is their special holiday :)

This season was crazy, but truly a blessing because we were able to really enjoy those around us and not focus too much on the sadness we felt at times. Though we miss you all dearly, we do feel blessed to have those that G*d placed in our lives here. These people are very special to us and we are truly grateful for the beauty and the support of the body around us and back at home as well.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

A dear friend

It’s been two weeks now since our worlds seemed to be turned upside down by events that for a while we were unable to talk about, but when we were given the permission I just felt too tired to think about it, write about, share about it. And to be honest, I just didn’t know what to say, nothing can really sum up the way that this has affected us. But I will try nonetheless.
Also the fact that we had the responsibility of sharing this terrible news with so many people in our city left me with little energy to share with friends at home. Because of the sensitivity of the situation, for a few days when people asked how we were doing, we had to smile and say, “I am doing good.”  We would quickly ask them how they were doing and try to focus on their life.
It still doesn’t feel real. Even though I have told so many people about it, talked about it hundreds of times and turned it over and over in my mind even more times. I had trouble sleeping at first. I couldn’t believe the repercussions of this event, but as things were happening it all made sense.
On Friday December 2nd an American friend of ours, a 23-year-old young man, died under unknown circumstances.
I can’t share much else about the situation at this point, but I can say that we are not in any danger, we are just very sad. Mourning the loss of our young friend, at times wondering why, at times seeing a little light in the midst of a dark situation.
I know that Dad is stirring something in the young people here. It has been painful and difficult to try to focus on that. But I know that is the reality. It just seems confusing to me that he would allow so many of his workers in this city to be taken out of a place where the students are so hungry for the truth.
This young man was so special. He was outgoing and loving towards everyone that he met. He was always encouraging and filled with joy. After talking to many students about our friend, we have begun to see what an impact his life has had on them even though he was only here for a little over a year. I just wish he could have been here longer. In my selfishness, I even wish that we had had more time with him while he was here.
I try not to think too much in that way, to understand that Dad is always going to work things for the good of those who love Him. I have so much more peace now than I did before. I went through many feelings of anger and frustration, so many times asking “Why?” I know Dad is here, I have seen Him working, taking care of His people and giving us the strength to support our friend’s team and to do what is needed to help them in this black time.
I have felt devastated, distressed, depressed and downcast. I have wanted to scream, run away, wake up from this nightmare or just close my eyes and make it all go away.  I have felt supernatural peace and strength at times, even joy in realizing how precious life really is.
I am still processing this and thinking a lot about our friend’s team, who left shortly after his passing. We will dearly miss them all. Please be “thinking” about this group of young people whose lives were totally turned upside down by this event. Please also be “thinking” about his family, his mother & father and two younger brothers.
This Sunday, tomorrow, is the memorial service. We had our own service last Sunday with those who knew him here in our city. But our hearts are heavy as we think of our brothers and sisters who have been plucked from this work and sent back to America for some time to grieve the loss of their teammate and close friend. They will be able to attend the service tomorrow, but we know that there will be much heartache and tears. Please be “thinking” about them at this time.
I don’t know what else to say other than, this has probably been the most difficult two weeks of our time here. We have seen Dad’s sovereignty and peace in new ways, and we know that these are the times that we grow. We continue to feel sorrow about this, but with Dad’s strength we will persevere.  We just ask that you would “think” about us even more at this time, as it is a very difficult time. Thank you all so much for your love and support.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

30 days of Thanksgiving

This month I have been reflecting on my life a lot. I have been thinking about what I am thankful for. I have seen lots of posts on facebook about 30 days of thanksgiving and although I didn’t do it day by day like many others. 
1               The wonderful cross and the promise of eternity
2               My best friend, my husband, my strongest companion
3               My amazing one-of-a-kind family, I’ve been realizing that most people don’t have a family as close or nearly as large as mine and in those two things, I am so blessed!
4               Dad’s provision of family overseas in the form of our team
5               Good friends in America
6               Good friends Overseas
7               My Parents- I am so proud of my parents who have been married for 42 years now! This is probably my favorite picture of them, it was taken at my wedding and it just reminds me of how they have held hands through the good and bad times of life.
8               My Sisters – My best friends, I love you both more than I can say!
along with my sisters I am also thankful for two very awesome Sister-in-laws, Brenda & Sheila
9               My Brothers- They always make me laugh. I really enjoy family times with them :)
and my two crazy, silly, awesome brother in laws
10           Curtis’ Family – I am especially thankful that his Mom (Chris) and Grandma Angell and Aunt Diana as well as Aunt Sabina and Uncle Allen all came to visit us this year in the spring.
11           Curtis’ Sister Theresa- This deserves a special place of it’s own because Theresa is probably the biggest miracle I have ever witnessed. We are so proud of her and so excited about the big things that Dad is doing in her life!
12           My nieces & nephew
13           My extended family- Aunts, Uncles & Cousins – I only got to see them briefly this year when I was home. But I am still thankful for them and all the memories that we share and the closeness that I still feel with them even through the years of separation. I love them all very much!
14           Our Ch*rch family & Supporters back home: This is a picture of some of our friends who are very dear to our heart whom we used to have a home study with.
15           Our Students: They are our reason for being here!
16           My Russian teachers and friends that I can speak to in Russian: on the left is my friend janna who works in the cafe. I love speaking Russian with her. It seems so easy.
17           Our great city. Thankful for the warm temperatures most of the year and the beautiful flowers and trees that line the streets.
18           The English Center: There is so much that is great about this place and it is getting better day by day!
19           Our New Apartment
20           The opening of the Cafe: working there has been difficult at times, only because there are so many other things that I need to do as well. But what I am most thankful for is the way this place brings our site together and really creates a community atmosphere.
21           My Russian Progress: Despite the difficulty of this crazy language, I am making progress and really enjoying being able to communicate with people here!
22           My home city and the gift of going back over summer: So much about being home this summer was amazing and special! I am just thankful beyond words for this experience and the love that I felt while I was home this summer. I am also thankful that I got to see the ocean again, I was beginning to feel like it no longer existed, but there it was, a mere 10 miles from Camarillo in all it’s beauty and former glory!
23           The ability to travel through Italy this summer: A.M.A.Z.I.N.G
24           The Word: I am so thankful for the refreshing that it brings to my life each morning when I open it up. I am also starting to understanding more and more the reality that it is a love story written specifically for us by our he@venly Father.
25           My health: as I get a little older and experience more aches and pains than I did in my youth, I realize how blessed that I am to be in good health. Although I have some minor setbacks, like allergies and asthma, I have generally good health and in that I am blessed!
26           A warm bed to sleep in, warm apartment and warm winter clothes! This year my winter clothes are really nice because I was able to get new ones which are more suitable for the cold weather than the ones I had last year. Also our apartment is much warmer than both of our previous apartments!
27           Movies & Entertainment: These things just generally make life more fun :)
28           Good Coffee: I LOVE COFFEE! I am thank for those of you who send us Decaf coffee in packages and also for the delicious coffee in the cafe :)
29           Baking. I Love it! PERIOD.
30           Last but definitely not least, the fact that our Saviour came to Earth in the form of a baby and the whole month of December we get to celebrate this wonderful gift with the holiday of Christmas, but better yet we have something much more precious than just Christmas, we have eternity with Him to express our pra!se and thanks for all the good things he has done for us!
And here is to a beautiful Christmas season! From our home to yours :)

Friday, November 18, 2011


Yesterday we celebrated our four year Wedding Anniversary. It was a really special day filled with surprises for both of us :)
The very first surprise was for me from Curtis. He set up a whole spread on our coffee table. He put out a bunch of romantic movies and games and activities for us to do and then made me a nice breakfast and some coffee. The movie part was special because he doesn’t usually like to watch movies during the day.
The first surprise that I couldn’t wait to give Curtis was a slide show that I made him. I have made this a new tradition in the last few years to create a simple slide show of our year together. This year I felt like the one I made was really special because it was a really special year. We did so many great things together including going to Rome, Venice and also home for the first time in two years!
The song in the video is called Everyday and it is about celebrating life everyday. I had heard it before, but I heard it again for the first time in a long time about a month ago and this time I heard it differently. So much so that it made me teary. I especially love this part of the song:
Everyday of our lives,
wanna find you there, wanna hold on tight
Gonna run, while we’re young
and keep the faith
Everyday, from right now,
gonna use our voices and scream out loud
Take my hand;
together we will celebrate,
I realized all the days when I am so negative and Curtis always tries to point out the positive things about our life. He also tries to make me laugh everyday.
I tend to take things quite seriously and it is really wonderful to have Curtis in my life reminding me to celebrate simply because it makes life better and because we are called to live an abundant life, that doesn’t mean hiding our real feelings. It means loving with abandon, when I am hurt, I cry and he comforts me, but then he guides me towards the good things and reminds me how blessed I am.
You can view the video here on youtube: Curtis & Katina’s Anniversary Video 
The whole day was very special. I couldn’t wait to give Curtis his gift since I bought it this summer in America. It is called “The Book of Us.” It is a book in which they ask 150 questions about your relationship from the very beginning. I took time to answer as many questions as possible and was so excited to give it to him. He was happy to receive it and we read through it together throughout the day, laughing, crying and reminiscing. We decided to make it an anniversary tradition to read through it and update it together.
After we watched a movie together we went to a local restaurant that has delicious Hot Chocolate. Then we went to dinner at an amazing Italian Restaurant in town called Mozzarella where we ate some awesome four cheese pasta and creme brulee, which was so delicious I am determined to try to make my own creme brulee, so stay tuned!
After dinner we went home and Curtis had another surprise waiting for me!

He also wrote on a bunch of balloons the things that he loves about me and scattered them around the room.
It was a very special day with many reminders of how blessed we are to have each other!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

My heart is full

Last week was filled with good things; things that filled me to overflowing with love, joy and peace. For the first time in a while I feel so much peace and joy and unity with my brothers and sisters around me. I have been struggling a lot since I returned here, constantly seeking to find refuge in the things of this world. Only finding small moments of peace when I am alone with ‘Dad’, or Curtis. In that I have been blessed. I have been gaining understanding on some things, but failing to live them out. Only this weekend did I have a breakthrough, one of forgiveness and understanding.
I am aware now that I was the cause of my own loneliness. I felt so alone here, away from family and friends. In a world of different languages and mixed cultures. It all felt so foreign and unfriendly. Until the other day. Thank you to those of you who have been asking Dad to strengthen us. He truly has. He has broken through my cold heart of stone and filled it with good things. He has filled me with his love and understanding, with more joy, patience and contentment with life here. I truly feel peace for the first time in a long time, and for this I am truly grateful.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Life changing cookies

Do yourself a favor and make these cookies. You NEED them. I haven’t been this excited about a recipe in a really long time! These things are DELICIOUS, ochen fvakooszna, as we say in Russian. But back to the cookies, they are caramely, creamy, spicy and ridiculously good! Yes mom, I am aware the caramely is not a word. The dough tastes like chocolate chip cookie dough with a fall kick, sans chocolate chips. But the actual cookie is SO much better than the dough, unlike, chocolate chip cookies, at least in my opinion. Dare I say, these cookies are better than chocolate chip cookies! For me, that is saying a lot, since chocolate chip cookies are my absolute favorite.

So, here’s the deal, these babies are pretty simple, but I got the recipes for the cookies and the icing in two different places. This cookie recipe just seemed so much more delicious than the one that was paired with the caramel glaze and since I didn’t have any cream cheese, I decided to make the caramel glaze instead and it turned out to be the most perfect melt-in your mouth goodness that you could ever imagine. If you LOVE caramel as much as I do, you WILL love these cookies! I also used half white sugar and half brown sugar in the cookies and I think it emphasized the caramely goodness even more. Yes, I said wrote it again.

Pumpkin Cookies: 
Adapted from:House of Hepworths
½ Cup Butter
¾ Cup white sugar
¾ cup brown sugar
Add: 1 egg
Mix in: 1 cup pumpkin
Now add: ½ tsp. vanilla 2 & ½ cups flour
And then add: 1 tsp. cinnamon 1 tsp. nutmeg 1 tsp. baking soda 1 tsp. baking powder ½ tsp. salt
Now, bake @ 350 for about 10-12 minutes.

Caramel Glaze
3 tablespoons butter
1/4 cup milk
1/2 cup brown sugar
1  teaspoons vanilla extract
1 cup confectioner's sugar
Cook butter, milk and brown sugar until dissolved.  Cool and add confectioner's sugar and vanilla.  Spread over warm cookies.

"Priyatova appetita!"  (Russian for- "Have a nice meal" or Bon Appetite)

Saturday, November 5, 2011

All good things

Come from Above..
The last couple of months have been difficult, SO. VERY. DIFFICULT. We continue to struggle with busy schedules, but also the last week or so has brought some relief, excitement and overall good things! As I said in my last post, there are always things to be thankful for, and it is important to find those things at all times. But right now we have some really major pra!se reports going on!
Let’s start from the very beginning ♫ a very good place to start ♫. I have been working in the cafe way too much the past couple of months and have really desired to have someone to help take the load off. In the beginning of the year I overcommitted a bit because I didn’t realize what a strain it would be to learn Russian, teach English and work at the Cafe. I was extremely frustrated with the lack of time for Russian practice and study. Since then I have felt very tired and overwhelmed with all of the work that I have been doing.
You may have also noticed my lack of communication and blog involvement, which is something that I really love, one of those things that really gives me joy. Another thing that fills me up, is meeting with friends here and I haven’t been doing much of that lately either. I was working a lot of hours, and becoming very frustrated. I felt like I had lost my purpose here and also felt very disconnected with friends and family back home as well.
I had voiced this to our manager at the cafe and he was understanding and knew they needed to find someone local to work as a barista, so that the Native English Speakers who work at the cafe could spend time speaking to students, which is something that I love to do :) But we weren’t sure how long it would take to find someone, they thought it could possibly take another month or so. But Dad’s timing in this situation was swift, and exactly what I needed!
Two weeks ago when I was closing the Cafe on a Friday night, I said to Curtis, I don’t think I can take more than two more weeks of this schedule! I was so tired every friday night when I got home and the weekends usually weren’t much easier, full, with meetings, gatherings etc. Then back to work on Monday, then Tuesdays is our sabbath, but it seemed that every Tuesday we had to do something, whether it was a meeting, sanitation tests for the cafe (loooong story) or planning for classes, that made it feel a lot less like a sabbath day.
I am not saying this to complain, we really tried to make the best of it while it was like that, and at times I DID complain. Not gonna lie, I was like a whiney little baby at times. But there were many times when I thought, I love everything I am involved in for the most part, but there is just tooooo much of it and no time to breeeeath!
So, all that being said, we have found an amazing little asian solution to the problem. Her name is Janna, she is family, and she works in the cafe with me now :) I L.O.V.E HER sooooooo much! She speaks very little English and our relationships is all in Russian! PTL! My Russian is THAT good now! Two pra!se reports there! We found someone for the cafe and some of my cafe time has turned into Russian practice time!!! OUR DAD IS AMAZING! He is our PROVIDER! He is so VERY fa!thful!
I have been aspiring to learn Russian the past two years, last year I spent a little time each week building vocabulary, and this year I finally have the time to put in the hours it needs and it seems to really be flowing out of me.I feel like it is finally happening because I know what to do to learn, I have the confidence to practice and I also found that listening to Russian on my ipod (thanks mom :) ) really helps.
Now, I feel more like part of our team, since more than half of them are Russian speakers, and life in general is just easier. It is also an amazing accomplishment for me to have this new relationship completely in Russian. The only others that I have had that with these last couple of months is my teachers, but talking with Janna is so easy and really fun. I am so thankful for this beautiful and loving girl that is helping in our cafe now :)
The next pra!se is from Curtis, a little bit shorter. He has been working to put together curriculum for his second module of classes for Global Citizenship. A class that is much more than a simple English Class. He and our director have been talking about this for sometime now and have not been able to find any inspiration until recently. The other day they sat down in a meeting, and by Dad’s gr*ce, two hours later came out with ideas for an entire semester’s curriculum! Before their meeting they asked for inspiration from Dad and they surely got it.
So, we really have a lot to be thankful for, a lot to pra!se Dad for, so many answers! We are also thankful to you who have fa!thfully been interceding for us. We are truly blessed to have you all in our lives! So, we want to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts ♥

Monday, October 31, 2011

Attitude of Gratitude

I am really beginning to understand what a gift life really is. How we must rejoice in what we have been given. So much of life is about taking joy in everyday things and being grateful to Dad for what he has given us. Since Thanksgiving is coming up and we are going to be gone during that time, I am actually going to be teaching a whole lesson on gratitude this week. The lesson is based on an article about a study on gratitude. They found that if people record what they are grateful for every day, they will actually have a much higher quality of life.
It is funny that it took these psychologists years to figure out what Dad has been telling us since the beginning of time. TO GIVE THANKS!
Psalm 100
4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving
and his courts with pra!se;
give thanks to him and pra!se his name.
5 For the L*RD is good and his love endures forever;
his fa!thfulness continues through all generations.
With that said, this practice isn’t always that easy, and it’s definitely not natural, especially when life throw trials your way. It’s easy to focus on the negative and think about how we are missing out on life. It’s easy to think ‘I deserve better.’ But it’s difficult to remember that in reality, we have been given so very much!
To look at what we have been given, when we have been asking Dad for one specific thing for so long is even harder. It can seem like He is holding that back from us. But when we take our eyes off of that one thing and fix them on Him, he helps us to see the many other good gifts He has given us.
Then life really does become easier. We begin to see it’s beauty once again despite it’s pain. We may still feel the pain, but it’s sting becomes much weaker.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Back in the groove

The last few weeks have been busy. I continue to fight with counting the cost a lot. Things seem harder now. The streets seem meaner and the people less welcoming. I try not to say bad things about the country we live in, I don’t TRY to hide the bad things and give you a rose-colored picture of what it’s like to live here. I usually write from my perspective and I am pretty real about it. I have been blessed in the past to truly see things in a very positive light. But for many reasons, adjusting back has just not been so easy and I have begun to see more flaws in the culture and just life in general here.
With that said, the last couple of days have been good. I have begun to gain more perspective and get comfort from my maker. He has confirmed many times that I am exactly where he wants me, which at times has frustrated me quite a bit and left me asking “Why?” But, you know what? It really doesn’t matter. He gave EVERYTHING for me, and even though it SEEMS like a lot, I am giving up SO LITTLE for Him. Although, I have been struggling, I have still been able to enjoy the good things that He has been bringing my way these last couple of weeks. So, here is a recap of some of those good things :)
I must apologize for not giving you more information about the opening of the café. It is so wonderful to finally have it up and running, but it also seems like things have been going non-stop since then. I intended to write a special blog post about the opening, but I did not succeed in doing that before this post. I do intend to update the café page and write more about what we actually do there on this page when I have some more free time. In the mean time, here are some pictures of opening day.
We also attended a traditional wedding this month complete with the National dish, Besh Bar Mak, served in a wooden tray, which also happens to be tradition :)
The week following the café opening our classes began. It helped me to remember that one of my favorite things about life here is teaching! The way that our students love to learn is priceless and the way that their faces light up during lessons makes my heart smile  :)
The next good thing that happened was today! Today was a really nice day thanks to Curtis. He is a very loving husband and he knows how to make me feel special. The day started with some lovely fresh flowers.

I then made a special pancake breakfast with some warm peaches covered in sugar, vanilla and cinnamon to top them off. After breakfast we shared what we have been learning from Dad this week and lifted up our requests to Him together.
Once we finished that we got dressed and headed out to a nature park to walk around and just enjoy being out of the city for a little while. While we were there we sat down and played cards in a little café while we sipped some coffee.

Later in the afternoon Curtis took me to my favorite restaurant in the city, a nice Italian place called Mozzarella, where we enjoyed an early dinner. While we were there it started raining, so we had to take a taxi home, our taxi driver was so excited that he met Americans that he gave us the ride for free! That was the first time this has ever happened, I guess he was just excited because he had been to America and spoke a little bit of English. Either way, Dad took care of us and blessed us with a free ride.
This evening when we came home we watched part of one of my favorite movies “13 going on 30” and I made the most amazing hot chocolate I have ever made, maybe even the best I have ever tasted!
Here is basically what I did, I melted about 1/2tbs of butter on the bottom of a 2.5 quart pot with about 6 squares of dark chocolate and added ½ cup of Creamer, after everything was melted together I added about 1tbs of Penzey’s Cocoa, then 3 tbs of sugar, 1 tsp of Vanilla and ½ tsp of Cinnamon, then 1 cup of milk. I topped it off with whipped cream and a sprinkle of cocoa. It was a perfect treat for a rainy day
All in all, I know my life is blessed. I have hard times and I struggle with the calling that I have at times too. But I know that despite the difficulties of that calling, I have a Dad who gives me wonderful gifts. Today was one of those gifts :)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Chronicles of our Overseas living spaces

Do you want to know something amazing about Dad’s fa!thfulness? This is our third place since we moved to this city and each time we move, our places got better and better, but guess what? We are still paying the same rent we were paying when we arrived here and moved into our tiny little one bedroom place! Don’t get me wrong, we LOVED that place. We were so thankful for it because we didn’t know what to expect when we arrived here and we definitely didn’t expect something this nice.

It was a simple place, and it was simpler still when we moved in, there was no desk or pillows on the couches, but we loved it for the year that we lived there and we made it into a home. The funny thing is, if it were up to us, and I am glad that it’s not, we would still be in this place. We wanted to just say, “who cares if they are raising the rent? Let’s just pay the extra and stay there.” But we really felt Dad saying that we should move on and find a place that charged the same rent. So we trusted him to provide, and did he EVER provide!

Our second place was much nicer, with two bedrooms, room for a coffee table, which we had wanted for a long time, a dining area, a laundry area and a way nicer kitchen, which was my favorite part ;)

We were super settled and comfy in this place. We had lots of room and storage space, we lived on a main street so it was easy to meet with people and for people to find our place. But what we didn’t know was that there was a place out there that we would love even more!
Welcome to our new home! Our Australian friends bought and remodeled this place about five years ago and moved to a bigger place about a year ago when they had a baby. At that time, other friends of ours moved into this place, but moved out only a few days before our return overseas this year to live in a house. I could not imagine a better place for us in this city!

The living room area is smaller, but the extra bedroom is bigger, so we have stored our bookshelf in that room along with Curtis’ desk and a couch that turns into a bed :)
I also have my own office space now! It is so much nicer than having my desk in the living area, which is where it has been for the past two years.

Our bedroom is also very spacious. We even have a built in closet and a dresser with lots of drawers! These things are rare here.

The bathroom is bright & cheery and our shower curtain fits perfectly in there along with the rug that we purchased here. (Thanks Mom & Dad for the money to buy some novel things :)

There is a little laundry space next to the bathroom, which is convenient and cute.

And, I saved the best for last. The kitchen! I love this kitchen! It is cute and stylish and fits all of our stuff perfectly! I love all the little shelves that display things and make everything so accessible.

I really could not imagine a better place for us. This place is a lot quieter and cooler in the summer time. It is still located in the center of the city, but on a side street where there is not as much traffic. We didn’t mind the noise in our other place while we lived there, but we feel the difference in this place when we have our quiet times in the mornings.

We just feel so blessed with what Dad has given us. Each time we moved, we didn’t want to go, we thought that our previous place was the best thing possible, but each time he has blessed us with more. And we are still paying the SAME rent as the first year! Yea, he is good to us, he gives us soooo much more than we EVER deserve. Pra!se Him for all the good that he has done!

Please be thinking about our new home. That it would be a welcoming place for our students and friends. That we would be able to bless people in this home and that Dad’s presence would be felt in this place. Thanks again for your thoughts!