This month I have been reflecting on my life a lot. I have been thinking about what I am thankful for. I have seen lots of posts on facebook about 30 days of thanksgiving and although I didn’t do it day by day like many others.
1 The wonderful cross and the promise of eternity
2 My best friend, my husband, my strongest companion
3 My amazing one-of-a-kind family, I’ve been realizing that most people don’t have a family as close or nearly as large as mine and in those two things, I am so blessed!
4 Dad’s provision of family overseas in the form of our team
5 Good friends in America
6 Good friends Overseas
7 My Parents- I am so proud of my parents who have been married for 42 years now! This is probably my favorite picture of them, it was taken at my wedding and it just reminds me of how they have held hands through the good and bad times of life.
8 My Sisters – My best friends, I love you both more than I can say!
along with my sisters I am also thankful for two very awesome Sister-in-laws, Brenda & Sheila
9 My Brothers- They always make me laugh. I really enjoy family times with them 
and my two crazy, silly, awesome brother in laws
10 Curtis’ Family – I am especially thankful that his Mom (Chris) and Grandma Angell and Aunt Diana as well as Aunt Sabina and Uncle Allen all came to visit us this year in the spring.
11 Curtis’ Sister Theresa- This deserves a special place of it’s own because Theresa is probably the biggest miracle I have ever witnessed. We are so proud of her and so excited about the big things that Dad is doing in her life!
12 My nieces & nephew
13 My extended family- Aunts, Uncles & Cousins – I only got to see them briefly this year when I was home. But I am still thankful for them and all the memories that we share and the closeness that I still feel with them even through the years of separation. I love them all very much!
14 Our Ch*rch family & Supporters back home: This is a picture of some of our friends who are very dear to our heart whom we used to have a home study with.
15 Our Students: They are our reason for being here!
16 My Russian teachers and friends that I can speak to in Russian: on the left is my friend janna who works in the cafe. I love speaking Russian with her. It seems so easy.
17 Our great city. Thankful for the warm temperatures most of the year and the beautiful flowers and trees that line the streets.
18 The English Center: There is so much that is great about this place and it is getting better day by day!
19 Our New Apartment
20 The opening of the Cafe: working there has been difficult at times, only because there are so many other things that I need to do as well. But what I am most thankful for is the way this place brings our site together and really creates a community atmosphere.
21 My Russian Progress: Despite the difficulty of this crazy language, I am making progress and really enjoying being able to communicate with people here!
22 My home city and the gift of going back over summer: So much about being home this summer was amazing and special! I am just thankful beyond words for this experience and the love that I felt while I was home this summer. I am also thankful that I got to see the ocean again, I was beginning to feel like it no longer existed, but there it was, a mere 10 miles from Camarillo in all it’s beauty and former glory!
23 The ability to travel through Italy this summer: A.M.A.Z.I.N.G
24 The Word: I am so thankful for the refreshing that it brings to my life each morning when I open it up. I am also starting to understanding more and more the reality that it is a love story written specifically for us by our he@venly Father.
25 My health: as I get a little older and experience more aches and pains than I did in my youth, I realize how blessed that I am to be in good health. Although I have some minor setbacks, like allergies and asthma, I have generally good health and in that I am blessed!
26 A warm bed to sleep in, warm apartment and warm winter clothes! This year my winter clothes are really nice because I was able to get new ones which are more suitable for the cold weather than the ones I had last year. Also our apartment is much warmer than both of our previous apartments!
27 Movies & Entertainment: These things just generally make life more fun 
28 Good Coffee: I LOVE COFFEE! I am thank for those of you who send us Decaf coffee in packages and also for the delicious coffee in the cafe 
29 Baking. I Love it! PERIOD.
30 Last but definitely not least, the fact that our Saviour came to Earth in the form of a baby and the whole month of December we get to celebrate this wonderful gift with the holiday of Christmas, but better yet we have something much more precious than just Christmas, we have eternity with Him to express our pra!se and thanks for all the good things he has done for us!
And here is to a beautiful Christmas season! From our home to yours 
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