Yesterday we celebrated our four year Wedding Anniversary. It was a really special day filled with surprises for both of us 
The very first surprise was for me from Curtis. He set up a whole spread on our coffee table. He put out a bunch of romantic movies and games and activities for us to do and then made me a nice breakfast and some coffee. The movie part was special because he doesn’t usually like to watch movies during the day.
The first surprise that I couldn’t wait to give Curtis was a slide show that I made him. I have made this a new tradition in the last few years to create a simple slide show of our year together. This year I felt like the one I made was really special because it was a really special year. We did so many great things together including going to Rome, Venice and also home for the first time in two years!
The song in the video is called Everyday and it is about celebrating life everyday. I had heard it before, but I heard it again for the first time in a long time about a month ago and this time I heard it differently. So much so that it made me teary. I especially love this part of the song:
Everyday of our lives,
wanna find you there, wanna hold on tight
Gonna run, while we’re young
and keep the faith
Everyday, from right now,
gonna use our voices and scream out loud
Take my hand;
together we will celebrate,
wanna find you there, wanna hold on tight
Gonna run, while we’re young
and keep the faith
Everyday, from right now,
gonna use our voices and scream out loud
Take my hand;
together we will celebrate,
I realized all the days when I am so negative and Curtis always tries to point out the positive things about our life. He also tries to make me laugh everyday.
I tend to take things quite seriously and it is really wonderful to have Curtis in my life reminding me to celebrate simply because it makes life better and because we are called to live an abundant life, that doesn’t mean hiding our real feelings. It means loving with abandon, when I am hurt, I cry and he comforts me, but then he guides me towards the good things and reminds me how blessed I am.
You can view the video here on youtube: Curtis & Katina’s Anniversary Video
The whole day was very special. I couldn’t wait to give Curtis his gift since I bought it this summer in America. It is called “The Book of Us.” It is a book in which they ask 150 questions about your relationship from the very beginning. I took time to answer as many questions as possible and was so excited to give it to him. He was happy to receive it and we read through it together throughout the day, laughing, crying and reminiscing. We decided to make it an anniversary tradition to read through it and update it together.
After we watched a movie together we went to a local restaurant that has delicious Hot Chocolate. Then we went to dinner at an amazing Italian Restaurant in town called Mozzarella where we ate some awesome four cheese pasta and creme brulee, which was so delicious I am determined to try to make my own creme brulee, so stay tuned!
After dinner we went home and Curtis had another surprise waiting for me!
He also wrote on a bunch of balloons the things that he loves about me and scattered them around the room.
It was a very special day with many reminders of how blessed we are to have each other!
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