Monday, October 7, 2013

Who are we hiding from anyway?

Today while sitting on the bus, I saw the “Free-Spirited Runner.” That’s the best way to describe him at least. I don’t know his name. I know nothing other than he is not ashamed to frolick about in public doing hand motions and bouncing off of walls and posts and the many different items lining the sidewalk. Many people turn their heads to stare at him as he does his wild dance, but this never distracts him from just keeping on. 

He got me thinking. 

What am I ashamed of? Why am I always hiding? Why do we hide parts of ourselves away for others not to see? 

We build up giant walls around ourselves to protect us from others. When, I am not sure if that is what it really does. We need to give people a chance. 

I found out something so beautiful from what I shared yesterday. I found that people are not the awful beasts that I make them out to be in my mind. They are filled with love and understanding. 

Let’s be real. They DO let us down. But that doesn’t mean that they aren’t the most amazing creatures of all! We are HIS best creation. So why don’t we remember that when it comes to trusting each other? When it comes to bearing all and sharing who we are with those around us. 

I am not saying sharing every deep dark secret. I’m just saying that as we grow older, as we “mature,” we begin to hide more and more of ourselves from the world, for fear of being judged, ridiculed, criticized etc. But really, people might just think that you are amazing. Because you are YOU! 

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