Monday, February 16, 2015

Happy Thought Mondays

Today I was lacking inspiration. I have been mulling over what to write about. I'm trying to be more consistent in updating my blog because I know it's good for me. So I decided to start a new tradition. Every Monday I will post something that inspires happy thoughts, whether it is just a quote, the lyrics to a song, a poem, anything that is basically encouraging and, well, promotes happy thoughts.

I guess my blog in it's entirety is meant to do that, but this will be something outside of my own experience that I can write about and hopefully I will stick to it, since life with a little one can be unpredictable. It may just get me on track with writing on my blog for the week.

So let's start simple, shall we? A quote which is really something I've been trying to live by for the past five years or so. I want it to continue to be something that defines my life. Not the only thing, but it surely does encompass a lot. 

So there it is, simple and sweet. The main way that I try to do this is by constantly focusing on what I am thankful for. I don't take pictures of things and post them on instagram to show off, neither do I post things here to show people that I have it all together and they don't. I do it to refocus myself on the good things that I have been given. I know, social networks can be dangerous because we tend to compare our lives with the highlight reels of others. My goal is not to have a better highlight reel, but to be better at focusing on my own highlight reel, the good things that I have; Not to compare it with what is good in the lives of others, but to rejoice with them when good things happen in their lives as well as to share when good things happen in mine.

This was especially hard when I was going through three years of infertility.  I found it difficult to rejoice with those who had children and I had to stay away from things about babies on social networks at some point when I realized that it was unhealthy for me to see, causing me to feel self pity. But during that time is when I really began to understand what this quote meant. I wanted so badly to have a baby and I am so thankful that I finally do, but I was trying to have an outlook that would help me to be thankful whether or not that desire was fulfilled. This mindset helped me get through those dark days.

I'm hoping that it can also bring light to the dark situations of others. Everyone has some sort of pain. Our journeys are different. But we can all learn from this simple truth. "The Secret of having it all is believing you already do." Yes, I believe I do.

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