Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Children are a beautiful distraction

So, yesterday was a bit of a disaster and I felt like a huge hypocrite! I was trying to write my post for "Happy Thought Mondays." This great new idea that I had and I kept getting distracted by my daughter. Why in the world would that make me feel like a hypocrite? Maybe because that is what the post was meant to be about! 

As you may have noticed, my blog evolves with me, meaning, when my passion changes, so does my blog. Well, I am super passionate about being a mother at this time in my life and since I plan to devote the next several years to this job, I am guessing that won't change for a while. I'm really excited about all the new things I have thought of to write about and I am really hoping that I will have time to write about them, but if I don't it's okay because of the following truth (which was especially true yesterday while I was trying to write this post)

Okay, so yesterday I started writing about how she was napping and then she woke up and she just doesn't nap well in general, blah blah blah blah blah. But honestly, how many of you moms know what I'm talking about? Free time is hard to find and when we do find it, we have to know that things can change at the drop of a hat! 

I was in tears yesterday because my day did not meet up to MY expectations. I felt like a bad mother and a blog hypocrite ;) Mostly because I was about to debut all this new stuff on my blog about being a mom and having so much to share with the world, but that is what being a mom is all about ladies! (sorry if you are a guy reading this, I am just assuming that mostly ladies will be reading this now, but if you are a stay at home Dad, more power to ya! - Was that really 90's of me to write?) 

I am beginning to understand more and more that being a mom is just about rolling with the punches. Knowing that we are going to mess up and we aren't always going to get things done and our babies aren't always going to take their naps, but if they are healthy and happy and you are giving them attention and love. Then guess what? NONE of that MATTERS! Can I get an AMEN? 

So, there you have it! Happy Thoughts Monday (or in this case, Tuesday)! 

Please check out my new "about" section and also the new "motherhood" tab. I'm really going to be focusing on posting helpful stuff for moms, as well as just honest posts about life as a mom. I will be sharing on pinterest and other social networks because I feel that passionate about the things that I am learning; So much more passionate than I have about anything else I have ever written! So please share my blog with your mommy friends or wait for a post that is more exciting. 

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