Friday, September 6, 2013

Movie Review: 180 Degrees South

We have been watching a lot of documentaries lately and I have really been enjoying them. But this one probably impacted me the most.

It starts out simple: a young guy who is an adventure addict, hears about something that these two crazy old guys did when they were young, and maybe even crazier, and he wants to do the same. But in the process of this journey the young man learns so much more than he bargained for and we learn right along with him.

The scenery in the film is breathtaking. I usually tend to think that photos and videos just can't capture the real beauty of a place, but this one gets so close. I really felt like I was on this journey right along with him at times, minus all the hardships.

The thing that really struck me about the film was the message to consumers. Do we realize what a large impact our consumption has on other societies? In this film they uncover just one story, but I am sure there are many more. It literally makes me sick to think of some of the beauty that is being destroyed because of my selfishness.

This film really made me take a step back to think about the footprint I'm leaving behind. I know it's not the most important thing in the world, but it impacts more lives than we often think about.

I would encourage anyone with a sense for adventure and a love for nature to watch this film. But to be honest, I think this film would appeal to most people just because of the sheer beauty of it all. Enjoy!


  1. Thank you for such a great review my sweetheart!
