Friday, August 9, 2013

Just Keep Swimming...

So, you know how I said in my last post, hopefully I won't need the pool in the winter time. I lied...

I need the pool EVERY day! In the past few weeks, swimming has become like an addiction, a passion that has enveloped me and I just can't stop thinking about. I feel like I belong in the water. It's a feeling that I have longed for. I have always wanted to have a sport that I was this passionate about. I didn't think it would happen at 30. But it has. It has shown me that it's never to late to fall in love with something new.

I have absolutely fallen in love with swimming and not JUST as a summer sport. It has transformed my body and my whole perspective on life! I have been doing it for probably about eight weeks now, regularly about six weeks and the past two weeks, since I have been on vacation, I have been at the pool practically every day and you couldn't convince me to do otherwise!

I haven't felt forced to swim because I feel a strong urge to lose weight quickly or anything like that. I did however set my mind to swimming and counting calories about five weeks ago and have lost a happy amount of weight in that time. I am very pleased with the results and the absence of feeling deprived or forced to work out. But that is just an added plus to this newfound passion!

Swimming really has a way of clearing my mind like nothing else. When I first started I liked going with friends, but now I really prefer doing it alone. I can swim at my own pace and it just feels good to do something on my own.

Now that I have fallen in love with swimming I started to look into the benefits and I have realized that it is actually the healthiest form of exercise! Check out these benefits:

If you want to read more about the benefits of swimming check this article out! I found it on pinterest ;)

I guess I may have heard some of these things before, but there isn't really as much buzz about swimming as I feel there should be. In one article it says that “habitual swimmers are biologically up to 20 years younger than their actual age.” 

The idea of getting into your bathing suit and showering up at the gym every time can be intimidating, but now that I am in the routine of doing it, I just don't feel like it's worth it to stop and do something that's not as good for my body or worse, do nothing...

The funny thing is at first when I was starting out, I would get discouraged about not making much progress and I would say to myself "just keep swimming, just keep swimming." Of course I thought of Finding Nemo. But now I hope that it's something that I can continue to say through the years about life  and that my love for swimming would grow and develop over the years.

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